Alphabet brings Internet to Kenya |


Google announced the Loon project in 2013 – plan which includes a fleet of balloons in the stratosphere, whose task is to bring the Internet to remote regions of the planet [1959004] .

And the project turned out to be a success. In 2017, more than 250,000 Puerto Rican residents associated with the Saint just at the time of Hurricane Maria. The company, now called only Loon, is part of X, which operates under the auspices of Alphabet, and now plans to bring the Internet to Kenya . Namely, Loon announced a partnership with Telekom Kenya the third largest telecommunications operator in this country, and 2019. the balloons must be rolled over and over the air. East Africa and bring 4G Internet to rural areas . The main mission of the company is to connect all the peoples of the world to the help of new technologies and the Internet is one of the most important parts of modern life and the United Nations also said access to human rights in 2016. Although they are difficult to conceive and one day without the Internet, more than half of the world's population still has not access to the network while in Kenya, one-third of the population

Source: Futurism