AMD in the new marketing campaign of Intel Xeon


Marketing is a very important part of any product placement on the market and over time, campaigns become more and more sophisticated in order to attract as many people as possible and now include direct cheating and cheating rival companies.


  Photo: Youtube Printscreen

Photo: Youtube Printscreen

AMD now has its AMD EPYC advertising campaign directly inflamed by its biggest rivals, Intel and its Xeon processors, says .rs

The slogan that appealed to us was "Xeon was great, like coal", which refers to the coal constraint as a resource and is a thing of the past.

AMD did not stop there, but he also made a slogan saying that no one had been fired for Xeon's purchase until now. This company is really dangerous in its relations with its competitors, but there is reason to do so, since the latest Epic processor series has a lot of power on Xeon, and rumors have emerged recently that it is preparing a processor with 48 cores and 96 lines

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