An unprecedented crime in Buenos Aires, the attacker launched a goalkeeper


Police identified the Ovijeda killer who played during his career in Chile and Chile, but he also has a daring police record

PHOTO: twitter

Argentina shouts on an unprecedented crime the general culprit of the guys in front of the disco Buenos Aires in the early hours of the attacker Nauel Oviedo (28) Falcunda Espindolu (19659009) [19659008] Security cameras they recorded battles, and later a fierce fight of two groups in which Espindola was killed. The police identified the murderer Ovijeda who during his career played in his homeland and Chile, but also has a daring police record. He was convicted of theft in 2011, and until Barakas played last year.

Although Oviedo quickly escaped the scene of the crime, he was expressly arrested. A car with traces of blood was found, as well as another weapon that killed Espindol.

A youth who was a member of River Plate and Lanus was a member of the Almagra senior team in 2013, and after one season in Defensores del Belgrano, in the fourth row Allegro Uruguay

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