And Nissan lied about emissions and gas consumption


The manufacturer has acknowledged that the data on new vehicles in Japan has been modified.

As stated, the results of exhaust emission test and fuel consumption have changed. Nissan has expressed its regret, but says that the actual data is still within the limits of permitted standards and that the safety of the car is not disrupted.

A spokesman for the company confirmed that an investigation into this case is ongoing. In September 2017, Nissan admitted that factory testing of new vehicles had been carried out by employees who were not authorized for this job.

Then a scandal breaks out during which more than one million Japanese automakers have to undergo a new examination.

It is noted in June that the first Japanese Japanese automaker Subaru resigned because of a similar scandal in relation to false data on gas emissions and fuels of this brand.

Subaru concluded that the inaccurate data referred to more than 1,800 cars of this mark, which cost the position of Jasujuki Jošinagu

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