Another great recognition: Mažić sudi Brazil – Belgium



Milorad Mažić will play the quarter-final Brazil – Belgium. He will be assisted by Dalibor Đurđević and Milovan Ristić

PHOTO: Beta / AP

Serbian soldier Milorad Mažić will be the third match of the World Cup in Russia. Judge Senegal – Colombia and Mexico – South Korea

FIFA has appointed an Argentine player to Nestor Pitano for the Uruguay – Frnacuska match. The match Russia – Croatia was awarded to Brazil Sandru in Rico . The match Sweden – England received the Dutchman Bjorn Kujpers .

According to unofficial information, the list is reduced to five arbitrators. Of the World Cup, the German returned Feliks Brih French Klement Turpan Uzbekac Ravshan Urmatov Salvadorac Koel Agilar and Poljak Simon Marciniak

The rule without principle requires that a duel team from different continents judge a referee from the third

This means that the final between the European and South American selection had to judge Asian or African .

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