Answer to all theoretical theories: Here's why no one has been to Mesec in the last 45 years (VIDEO) | planet


Despite the great mission that lasted for several weeks, the Apolo program did not allow people to stay long in the long run. Even today, 45 years after this last mission, there are a number of reasons why people should return to Earth's satellite.

Researchers and entrepreneurs believe that the Mesec Foundation could become a service station for long space travel, lead to the construction of space telescopes, facilitate life on Mars and establish scientific scientific mysteries on the Earth and the Earth. Moon. There is also a tourist potential.

"The Mesa Permanent Research Cell is the next logical step – just three days apart – we have to invent a lot of things and test them before to go into space, "says former astronaut Kris Hedfild.

However, a number of astronauts and experts will say that the obstacles for which there were no missions to Mesec were in fact trivial and mundane.

photo: EPA

A particularly important obstacle is expenditure. According to the law signed by US President Donald Tramp in March 2017, NASA's annual budget is $ 19.5 billion and could reach $ 19.9 billion next year. Although it is a significant sum, compared to the allowances, for example, of a US military that raises about $ 600 billion a year, this seems like insignificant. The project of modernization and extension of the nuclear arsenal is particularly important.

"NASA's share of the federal budget was at its peak with 4% in 1965. Over the past 40 years, it has remained below one-third, and over the last 15 years it has been slowly moved to 0.4% of the federal budget. " member of the Apolo 7 Volter Kaningem mission.

In 2005, NASA estimated that the return to Mesec would cost about $ 133 billion.

"For research missions involving people, it is very difficult to get political support: if Congress decides not to invest more money in the program, one can not talk about missions, "he said.

The purpose of the Tramp administration is to bring the astronauts to Mesec around 2023, when it would be the end of Tramp's second presidential term, of course, he's there. 39; obtained. And there is a new problem: political coups.

  Kris Hedfild
Kris Hedfild photo: Reuters

"Why would anyone have to believe anything to the president and his announcements about what could happen in the next two terms, underlines Hedfild.

From an astronaut's point of view is the most important mission, and the design, testing and others could look like more than two presidential terms.

"I would like the next president to support a budget that will allow us to carry out the missions that were asked of us, no matter what," said astronaut Skot Keli.

Different views on the space mission have had US presidents, and NASA has spent nine billion dollars for five years on the design, construction and testing of the equipment of the machine space.

"The American leadership inspires everyone to do something that no other nation can do, and we showed it 45 years ago, and I do not think we've been repeating it ever since." I believe that everything depends on the political commitment. Aldrin.

  Baz Oldrin
Baz Oldrin photo: Profimedia

They can inspire the wishes of people who are still lukewarm on this issue. Even at the top of the Apolo program, when Nil Armstrong and Baz Oldrin came to the surface, only 53% of Americans thought the program was worth the cost.

Today, 55% of Americans think that the return to Mesec should be a priority for NASA, but 44% think that astronauts should not return to Mesec.

  Baz Oldrin
Baz Oldrin photo: Fonet

No financial cost is the only reason why the return is now an impossible mission. The middle is also a deadly trap of 4.5 billion years for people, who can not take it for granted.

The surface is covered with craters and cliffs that threaten the landing safely. Prior to the first landing in 1969, the US government spent billions of dollars developing, launching and delivering satellites capable of capturing the surface that would help select potential landing sites.

March photo: AP

Greater concern is the dust of meteorites. The Southern California engineer Mad Tangava wrote in 2014 that Mesec is covered with a thin, superimposed moon dust as an electrostatically charged powder through its interaction with the solar wind. It is very abrasive, it is a spacecraft, vehicles and systems very fast. .

Astronaut Pegi Vitson, who spent 665 days in the universe, posed dust problems as the main problems of the Apolo missions. "If we spend a lot of time and build permanent facilities, we have to find a solution to this problem," she said.

photo: EPA

The problem is also sunlight. About 14 days in a row on the surface is hot as in hell because it is exposed to direct sunlight, and after that, total darkness then the surface of a month becomes l & # 39; 39, one of the coolest places in the universe.

NASA is developing a small nuclear reactor that astronauts would need to provide the necessary energy during dark days.

"There is no doubt that if we want to go farther, especially if we want to go further than Mesa, we need a new car, today. We are still in the era of transport "Astronaut Džefri Hofman.

Still, astronauts do not suspect how we are going back to Mesec and going to Mars. The only question is when and what generation will experience it.
Photo: EPA



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