ANSWER TO LUKINO'S FATHER IN THE LETTER OF THE PRINCIPLE: I know why Milićev wrote it right away! For him, I have only one question. Black chronicle


  REPLY TO FATHER LUKIN AT THE LETTER OF THE PRINCIPLE: I know why Milićev had just written it! I have only one question for him

Photo: Aleksandar Jovanovic Cile, MUP, Private Archives, Dragana Udovicic

I would like to see me with Marko Milicevic when he leaves the prison because he is interested in what he has to say. I see that he also expressed the desire to meet, so if he does, I have no problem looking at him in the eyes, and for him I have not that's a question my family has been fighting for four years.

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Since photo : Beta, Printscreen

It is for Kurir that Bojan Jovanovic, father of Luke Jovanovic (21 years old), whom Marko Milicev (38 years old) replaces four years ago on the bridge Branko "mini-cantriman". After yesterday, we published an exclusive letter from Milic, who sent us to prison Zabela, where for four years served time for causing a traffic accident. Lukin's father says that Milićev, though he is really sorry for Lukina's death, can leave on his grave when leaving prison.

Snezana Divac

I have no comment

We invited yesterday Snezana Divac, wife of basketball player Vlada Divac, whose name was associated with "the cantrimen case", to comment Milicevic's statement that his family has nothing to do with the car.

– I have no comments – Snezana said shortly.

Nek ide na grob

– All who were involved in the accident continued to live in one way, and my son left. There, when he comes out, Luke will be able to go to the grave and ignite his candle – says Kurir Lukin's father.

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asked for justice for his son

Commenting on a letter from Milic, in which he first spoke about the tragedy, Jovanovic claimed that he had just written .

We do not know where the "cantrimen"

is cut into pieces?

The "landscapes" that Milićev defeated Luka Jovanović on July 25, 2014 have not been found to date and it is not known whether he was sold abroad or divided into several parts.

– Even the colors of this car are not known. There is a theory that he was taken to Italy after being transported and that he was reported to have been dismantled in parts of the village of Naples, our source said.

– I apologize in advance if I am wrong, but I have the impression that this letter was written by his team of lawyers and I believe that this It is not by chance that it was sent several days before the hearing. and reflected on the part of the letter in which Milićev says that he "responsibly claims that the Divac family has nothing to do with an accident and a car" and that it will not reveal the name of the owner of the "cantryman" who killed Luka.

The owner of the vehicle is impressive

– The owner of a car, which he constantly hides the name and which, according to him, did not participate in a traffic accident, wonders if the disclosure of his name would change anything, in which case he is an accomplice in dissimulation. If the owner immediately went to the police after the accident and said the car was heading towards him, he could prevent the agony that was created later. As far as I know, for the same job, Marko Milic's brother, Bratislav Vesovic, was sentenced to one year's imprisonment, added Jovanovic, adding that he did not understand why the name of this owner was so mysterious.

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bez comments [19659007] photo: Dragan Udovicic

About the Divac family

They only suffered damage

Milićev mentioned in his confession the family of basketball players Vlada Divca, as well as Vučić, Stefanović and Bajrusevic, invoking their obligation Moral to say that they had nothing to do with the case. Lukin's father says that he "just caused them harm".

– As for his moral obligation to present names that certainly have nothing to do with this case, I think it caused them more harm than good – said Jovanovic.

( Jelena Rafailovic / Photo: Dragana Udovicic, MUP, Aleksandar Jovanovic, private archives)


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