Assembly: Discussion on laws in the field of medicine


Belgrade – The deputies of the Serbian Assembly began to discuss several legal proposals in the field of medicine, including the bill on the draft law on cells and human tissues.

Source: Tanjug

These legislative provisions define which health facilities may apply for employment in this field and what are the conditions that human tissue banks must fulfill.

The predicate will also define the registry of stem cell donors, and will provide a unique and unique program of human organ transplantation and will define clear procedures and procedures regarding the organization of the team and the financing of the whole process.

The new law provided for the simplification of the procedure for authorization of health establishments for the execution of human and tissue work, as well as the establishment of information systems in the area concerned .

One of the newspapers aims to simplify the process of granting consent to the use of human tissue by avoiding financial redundancies by introducing a prohibition of donation.

The law gave the opportunity to any Serbian citizen full-time to prohibit in writing or orally to give his own tissues as well as the ability of family members to do so at the time of death if the the deceased did not declare life.

The Agenda for the Preservation of Human Organisms was also on the agenda and it was expected that legal transplantation would be systematically organized, that is to say, establish and provide the necessary conditions. necessary for the quality and safety of transplanted human organs.

The new law established a clear division of health institutions that will perform organ transplantation and donation activities as well as a clear division of labor

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