Today, in most parts of Serbia, it will be dry and hot, and the morning and noon in the north, noon and afternoon in the west and the center, the evening and the night and in other regions.
weather, rain, clouds, fruska gora, flowers, meadow, field jpg
weather, rain, 19659005] the wind will be weak and moderate, south and southwest day, in turn morning temperature of 14 to 21, the highest daily from 29 degrees north-west to 34 in the south and south-east, [Institut hydrométéorologique républicain]
It will be hot in Novi Sad, especially sunny in the morning. Since the middle of the day, there is a lot of clouds and fog, sometimes with rain and thunderstorms.
The wind is weak and moderate in the south and southwest, the afternoon in the west and northwest. The morning temperature is around 21, the highest day around 30 degrees.
Weather in Serbia until July 29:
Partly cloudy and unstable with local rain and thunderstorms. The temperature in most days is a little lower, at the end of the period around the average values.
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