Blockchain Technology (Through Encryption and Data Distribution Systems, Blockchain Technology Provides a Much Higher Degree of Data Protection and Security Than Isolated Data ) and despite the incompetence of the cryptographic market, is a solution to many of the challenges we face today, and it has the power that many industries make a number of adjustments – Banks and real estate sales to digital marketing and health care. This system arrived for the first time in the food industry and for it was easier to monitor the distribution of meat, it was faster and safer to monitor the quantities of meat. food of this type . Standards Agency (FSA) completed the first blockchain pilot program, in which accessed information more easily, and contacted slaughterhouses to monitor the meat to be inspected . This way of monitoring the production and delivery of meat could prevent scandals that had occurred earlier and when one type of meat was sold as the other, and give customers false information about the products they buy [Expertssuggestthattechnologyblockchain could affect the quality of business in the food sector and in particular because the products require frequent inspections, and a comparison of the quality so
The continuation of the program is planned for the end of July, and in this part the farmers will be able to follow the movement of the animals with the help of this technology of their farms allowing them to better control what they have produced and to get the right price information on the market.
Source: The Telegraph
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