Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Multiplayer And Blackout BETA, How To Play The New Call Of Duty


If you are using Black Ops 4, you will now have access to the BETA closed option, where game content will be available to test and send impressions to the publisher and developers. If you follow us regularly, will not have any country singles and new capabilities will be available in the multiplexer. You will soon have the chance to try on the platforms PlayStation, Xbox and PC, if you already have a game

Activision and Treyarch published details about Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Multiplayer and Blackout BETE. Black Ops 4 will not have one, but two BETA! The BETA multiplayer begins on August 3 for the PS4, then on Xbox One and PC. Battle Royale Mode Black Ops is in September 19659008.

BETA Call of Duty Multiplayer: Black Ops 4 Schedule See

– PlayStation 4 begins August 3 and continues until
– Anticipated access to the beta version of PC begins Aug. 10 at 10 am (on Battle.Net)
– PC Open Beta from August 11 to August 13

Read this: The story of the new call of duty leads us to Staljingrad

For more information, visit the BETE content, including maps, modes and other details:, as well as underneath and at Facebook Twitter and Instagram [196] 59027] m Saying

Source: Call of Duty

Source: The Call of Duty

Source: The Call of Duty

Source: Call of Duty

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