Can Tramp instead of "& # 39; Fiat & # 39; brings Hyundai to Sumadija? | Economy


Informed sources claim that FKA's first man, Margaret Redding, is retired for cheaper action

Will Hyundai buy the Fiat-Chrysler group? The news that the South Korean auto giant Hyundai (which owns and 39% shares of "Kije" and "together" is the fourth automaker on the planet) is preparing to buy "Fiat-Cracked Group" launched by Asian media ("Asia Tajms") at the end of last week, and soon denied it on both sides.

Read more: "Zastava oružje": New start for larger exports

found that Hyundai (not the Hyundai group) would wait for the fall of the FKA group, which should be expected at the beginning of next year when the CEO of the entire "FKA Group" Sergio Marcione will retire.

The name is for the alleged transcription of some Paul Singer who is the director of "Eliot Management" who claims, recently appointed director of the FKA for Europe, the Middle East and Africa Alfred Altavil as a member of the powerful board of directors of "Telekom Italia" … 19659006] Mr. Singer, they claim "Asia Times" has a billion-euro bond in " Hyundai "…

The fact is that Markione has personally tried several times to find a" partner "or buyer for" FKA group "whereas it is inevitable that on the planet

Etihad remains in "Er Serbia"

It's no secret that Sergio Marcione has offered "cooperation" and "General Motors", the largest US automaker, but also that Meri Bara, the company's chief, has Smoothly smooth.

Last year, it was also said of the intention of the Great Wall of the Chinese auto giant to buy "FKA Group". Apparently, Markione was in China, but the conversations did not end successfully because the Chinese wanted to buy only the brand "Jeep", and Markione only sold the "whole package."

The "Volkswagen" (its Audi brand bought out FKA's cult "Dukati") which showed an interest in "Alfa Romeo", which is currently one of the most profitable brands of "FKA Group ".

Finally, the Asian media claim that "the thing already ready" is supported by the fact that Donald Tramp would consider this taking possession with a blessing because "Krajsler" would be an important part of the whole story "FKA group "was bought by a company of his close collaborators from South Korea

Photo AP

Although Hyundai initially did not want to comment on these allegations, and spokesman Jim Taylor did not want to comment on them. did not want to talk about this topic, the avalanche of media entries apparently made the Hyundai announcements.

– The rumors are not unfounded, "said Trevoror – We are a serious company and it is really ridiculous to deny the allegations of who knows what kind of media.

Similarly, they reacted in "FKA group", even more pointed, because no "unofficial source" did not answer

and talk about it – the Western media quoted anonymous sources as saying of FKA. [19659006] However, good experts in the automotive industry, such as the reputed Michael Curbs, Autotrader market analysts, say that there is "smoke" … [19659006] – A Long term, the FKA and "Hyundai" alliance makes a lot of sense, both economically and politically. "Hyundai" is a major player in Asia, FKA in the markets of Europe and the United States. clear that the two only meet each other, "says Curbs. – Markione, who does not like electric cars, has already mentioned cooperation with Hyundai in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells in which the Korean giant is already well positioned.

Curbs also draws positive and negative examples from the automobile giants' association. The marriage of "Krajsler" and "Mercedes" failed, but it is the alliance of "Renoa" and "Nisana."

– Things on paper only do one, but in reality something completely different happens. "On the history of the past year with the Chinese who would look at something more than the "Volvo." And they mention the $ 9 billion investment in Jilly's $ 9 billion in "Dajmler."

Yet, many believe that the last word will be given, at least indirectly, by Donald Tramp, the US president who demonstrates a tiny power If, it is said, the blessing will certainly come to an end, given that Markione was among the first to support Tramp's idea that US automakers will come back from Mexico to Mexico (or followed by taxation), announcing huge, hard billions, investing in factories in America.


"HJUNDAI motor Europe "is a subsidiary of 1 00% of Hyundai

The seat is in Rieselsheim in Germany (where Opela is located). is in Frankfurt and the factories are in the Czech Republic (Nasovice), Russia (Saint Petersburg and Taganrong) and Turkey (Izmit, Istanbul).

In Russia, the models "focus", "elantra" and "santa fe" in Turkey "i20" and "i10". In the Czech Republic "i30" …

"FKA Group", in addition to factories in Italy, has facilities in Serbia, Poland and Turkey.

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