CAPITAL ORLIĆ CHANGE CENTER! From the Superliga to France! (PHOTO) | Sport


  Fans of Serbia
Fans of Serbia photo: Dado Đilas

The cadet captain of Serbia went to see Lil!

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Those who are less likely to follow Serbian football must have heard about it in the spring when a rumor has circulated that Aroton Zekaj will accept the invitation to occur for the representation of Kosovo, which is the only way to do so. he later categorically denied.

Those who are more aware of domestic football know that Zekaj, 18, is one of Serbia's most talented players. After all, it is not by chance that the captain of the Orlic Cadet Selection. And now, finally, he entered the media because of the beautiful subjects.

  Arton Zeka at the promotion in Lille
Arton Zekaj at the promotion in Lille photo: Lille

A talented footballer continues his career in France, having moved directly from Sopot to Lille!

On the website of the French Premier League, it was confirmed that Zekaj has signed a three-year contract with this club. It is said that he was born in 2000 in Subotica, that he spent the Partizan Youth School, that he was loaned to OFK Backa before being wintered in Sopot.

He plays as a midfielder, he is considered solid in the fights with his 187 centimeters and 83 kilograms, good in the dog game, and that he was standard in the U15 and U16 selections of Serbia.

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