CHANGES IN THE PENSION OF TODAY: Women from 62 years and 6 months, these are the other conditions! | New


The new conditions for the exercise of the right to old-age and early retirement pensions in Serbia are valid as of today.

The conditions to let men retire will remain unchanged in 2019, while for women, the age limit is changed in six months. Women will retire after 62 years and six months and at least 15 years of service.

Men can retire with 65 years and at least 15 years of service. All insured persons with 45 years of service, regardless of age, are also entitled to an old-age pension.

With regard to premature retirement, what real men in 2019 can achieve with 57 years and six months of life and at least 40 years of service.

This year, women are entitled to early retirement if they are 57 years old and 38 years and six months of insurance, according to Tanjug of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs.

photo: Sonja Spasic

If they wanted to retire in accordance with the regulations in force until the end of 2018, employees had to apply to exercise their rights with the relevant branch of the Republican Health Insurance Fund and disability ending December 31st of last year.

If they did, they are subject to the rules under which all men having reached the age of 65 at the end of 2018 and having 15 years of service are entitled to a pension of complete old age.

Those who have 40 years of service and at least 57 years old may be in premature retirement, but with a reduced number of checks for the years of life they miss them until age 65.

Women were able to retire from age 62 until the New Year, but they must have at least 15 years of service in the workbook.

In early retirement, with penalties, they can have 38 years of service and at least 56 years and four months of life.



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