CHECKED CHILDREN RETURNED FROM SPAIN: Teacher did not want to make statements, parents angry because she did not answer the phone | Belgrade


Miserable Belgrade high school students arrived from Spain this morning. Others have denied the explanation and announced criminal charges

STUDENTS Nine high schools in Belgrade and several other secondary schools, scammed by the agency "B2R" and homeless in the Spanish seaside resort Lloret del Mar, finally arrived in Belgrade [19659003Lesparentsdésireuxd'accueillirdesenfantsquisouffraientdenombreuxmalaisesattendaientqueSnezanaMarticprofesseurd'histoiresoitl'organisatricedecevoyageCependantpourl'explicationdetoutcequis'estpasséleresteaétérefuséProfesseurShakiracommesesétudiantsl'appellentassisdanslavoitureetestallésansdireLesparentsannoncentdoncdesaccusationscriminelles[19659003] Yesterday morning there was barely nine o'clock, 106 high school students from Belgrade arrived at the car park in front of the museum on May 25, where parents were looking forward to them. Three times, with a smile on their face, the mothers and fathers groaned, and many could not hide their tears. After the problems of accommodation, money and illness, the drama is over. While they were grilling their descendants, the parents looked at Professor Martic for a final explanation of what had happened. There was no room, and then it turned out to be hiding in the bus. The parents started to "go out, go out."

– I will not say anything, you will receive all official statements – briefly professed Martic to reporters and parents who asked for answers.

While waiting for the car to come according to her, ignored the questions and anger of the parents who gathered around her.

– I want to know why this happened – it was the persistent mother of a high school student. – I have the right to ask. My little child with her went on vacation and she is responsible. I want to know why no one answered the phone for days, why she was silent, why the kids were then caught in the money on the bus … This will not stop there we will file all the criminal charges!

She thanked him for all that she did for their children … Professor Martic then went into the car and drove away.

– She told us at least, she said something, she apologized. Nothing! – The father of a student raged.

According to the history of high school students, the last day of their holidays left them and an agency guide, and only two volunteers came back with them. They were, like the drivers, in high school all the time, driving them to the doctors when they started to get sick one after the other.

– We were attacked by a stomach virus. The pharmacies ate mussels that were served for dinner, so we thought it was bad for them. Still, there were stomach problems, others, even though they did not even try seafood – say gyms.


OWNER OF B2R Agency Dusan Bernetic met high school students yesterday. Although kind, he meant nothing more than what was said for "News"

– Wait until the investigation is over. Everything will then be clarified. We must have all the facts. The most important thing is that our two representatives were at the same time as the children and the high school students were safe


AID TO THE MINISTER OF TOURISM, TRADE AND RESTORATION Vera Bozic Trefalt said that there was a travel guarantee.

– "B2R" has an insurance policy and everyone will file a claim, after which they will be reimbursed – Vera Božić Trefalt said

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