CHILDREN'S GIRLS: Remove fat effortlessly! 3 kg less in just 7 days! | Amusing


The natural ingredients of grapes, called polyphenols, are also effective in protecting against the metabolic syndrome.

If you want to weaken yourself, enjoy the grape season as it is for the body. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, speeds up the metabolism, cleanses it and, in so doing, creates a sense of satiety, so you will not even feel that you are dieting. British nutritionist Dr. Ana Bins has devised a special diet that guarantees the loss of three pounds in just seven days. And in a natural way, without pain. You must stick to the plan, but also do not overdo it with the addition of sugar and salt, forget the mayonnaise and the chocolate. The essence of a child is to bring 300 to 400 g of grapes a day, containing 200 to 280 calories, as well as 1,200 calories in other meals made from meat and meat. fish, vegetables, fruits and olive oil.

After three days of the menu that we present to you, repeat it until you are satisfied with the result.

photo: Profimedia

First day

Breakfast: Integral bread pieces, two chicken breasts, 1 dl of milk, yoghurt or kefir

Bread: 200 g of black grapes

Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 250 g cooked vegetables sprinkled with olive oil and lemon, 40 g integral bread

Bread: 200 g of white grapes

Dinner: 150 g oven steak, 40 g bread, apple puree.

photo: Pofimedia

The second day

Breakfast: 50 g of mussels of your choice, 2.5 d of yoghurt or kefir

Snack: 150 g of white grapes

Lunch: 100 g of roasted white meat, 250 g of spoonful of vegetables baked in olive oil and lemon, 40 g of integral bread

Snack: 150 g of black grapes

Dinner: 120 g of grilled fish, 250 g of corn salad and carrots, 50 g of bread

The third day

Breakfast: fruit yogurt

Bread: 200 g of white grapes

Lunch: 100 g pasta with tomato sauce and 2 tablespoons melted cheese

Bread: fruit salad with grapes, apples and pears

Dinner: 150 g of young cheese, 250 g of crudités with olive oil and lemon, 40 g of wholemeal bread.

photo: Pofimedia

(, Photo: Profimeid)


Author: steed

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