Contactless payments via smartphones


SARAJEVO – Users of Raiffeisen Bank's services will be able to use the m-pay service during this month, which will enable them to make secure contactless payments via smartphones on any POS device supporting payment without payment. contact

representatives of the Raiffeisen Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina and companies "Visa", stating that Raiffeisen was the first bank to provide this type of payment to customers of BiH

Karlhajnc Dobnig, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank, said in Sarajevo that this financial institution was still a leader. and a pioneer of online banking, pointing out that the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina has set up a smart phone billing service, or the download of an "m-pay" application that works on the premise of the map.

"In order for a customer to make a payment, it is essential that his smartphone be delivered to a point of sale, the benefit of customer service is simply a time saver and the customers do not have to pay for it. do not have to worry about cash Dobnig says.

Andrej Alejkin, director of digital solutions at Visa, said that mobile contact has a huge impact on the development of digital payments and that the "Visa Token Service" makes it simple and secure.

"Visa Token Service" secures any contactless mobile phone transaction, replaces sensitive user account information with a unique "token" combination to a card and to a particular device Payment is made using a digital image card – "token" so that the card information is Is never exposed, "Alejkin said.

The "m-pay" service is currently available to a particular group of Raiffeisen Bank customers and, at the end of the month, all Raiffeisen cardholders will be available.

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