Croatia is the third time in bronze history at the European Championship


Croatian water polo players defeated Italy in the tree line of the European Championship in Barcelona with a score of 10: 8 (4: 0, 3: 5, 2: 1, 1: 2).

LN Source: B92

  Photo by Laurence Griffiths / Getty Images

Photo by Laurence Griffiths / Getty Images

Croatia has horribly well opened after the first leg of the first leg of 4: 0

come back to life in a very effective second quarter, which was in their favor with 5: 3.

During the war, Italy failed to make it more dangerous for the Croats, who quietly took advantage of their advantage, and four and a half minutes before the end the duels missed by 10: 6, the "Azuri" only managed to defeat their advantage.

Loren Fatov with three goals scored for Croatia, and Bulja and Luka Lonar scored two goals.

The Italians were led by Franesko Di Fulvio and Valentino Galo with two goals scored, and during the whole session they had a problem of achievement and only finished with only 28% of the sales realized.

Croatia won the bronze medal at the European Championship for the third time in history

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