Cry in the cabin Audi Cockpit (FOTO)


Audi E-Tron has a camera instead of an external rearview mirror and even five digital screens in the cockpit.

Audi was the project of the electroscope E-Tron was created in 2015 at the motor show in Frankfurt, when he introduced the concept of the same name .

Three years later, the first of the production model materializes, and the non-producer gradually taps his electric reticle.

While on the front camera, the vehicle was covered with a camouflage film, Audi was showing inside the car.

Although the E-Tron has three large screens – one on the instrument table and two on the center console, for the multimedia system and air conditioner, the highest score (and the controversy) Driver and passenger doors.

The seven-year OLED screens are placed directly below the window, showing images of external cameras navigating in class mirrors.

The driver will be able to zoom in / out the image on the screen, and there are also 3 predefined camera views for different delay conditions.

One is used in the draw of the highway, the second in the direction of the vehicle, and the third in the opposite direction or parking.

With regard to the drive, the Audi E-Tron is powered by two electric motors which combined produce a total output of 360 hp (265 kW), while in the so-called sports mode, the automatic gearbox temporarily receives even 408 hp (300 kW).

The e-tron power from 0 to 100 km / h accelerates for less than 6 seconds before reaching a maximum of 200 km / h.

The Audi E-Tron is powered by a battery with a capacity of 95 kWh, With a new cycle of WLTP crash, the car takes about 400 km.

Such autonomy in the line could, among other things, be due to good aerodynamic characteristics and the coefficient of air resistance of 0.28 (so the mirrors are replaced by cameras.)

In Audi, the batteries can be completed minute, if the high-voltage power is 150 kW, while the 400-volt three-phase load is full of 8 hours and 30 minutes.

The Audi E-Tron has enough space for comfortable braking up to 5 passengers, thanks to a large section of 2,928 mm.

Since electric motors are close to drive axles (the name is fed by the four streams), the need for a central tunnel in the cockpit floor is eliminated, which is an added benefit for those who are behind the wheel. good sound is also provided with optional Bang & Olufsen Premium Sound System with 16 sounders and 705 watts.

The manufacturer has already announced that E-Tron will have its premiere on August 30 in Brussels, where this model will be produced. The first deliveries are expected early 2019.

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