CSKA is a maher for Superkup! The first man of Vladikavkaz and two and a half hours of bad football


  CSKA is a maher for Superkup! First actor of Vladikavkaz and two and a half hours of bad game

First trophy of the season of Russian clubs – Moscow CSKA

After two and a half years of bad football in Nizhny Novgorod, a goal decided the question of the Russian conqueror Supercup ! Moskovski Velikan, who had the chance to fight for a green table at the green table, beat current Russian champion Lokomotiv with a score of 1: 0 (0: 0) and only in the 106th minute ..

Only the score is a 20-year-old Vladikavkaz Ketag Kosonov who was the first official goal in senior career and the Armejaca jersey.

The goal fell after large crowds in Lokomotive's penalty area and a somewhat clumsy action from CSKA and an even worse reaction to the full defense of the reigning Russian champion. Kosonov got the ball after the rebound, he decided to hit and then the ball through the fork of the leg pulled behind the back of the goalkeeper Giljermea who searched in vain for the # Assistant referee of the position Vitinja

CSKA has reached the seventh Russian Superkup Cup since 2003, most clubs in this period, and Lokomotiva finished the match with a player less like Solomon Kvrkvelija has been awarded a Red Card for non-political behavior. 19659004] RUSSIA – SUPERKUP

Lokomotiva – CSKA 0: 1 (0: 0)
/ Function [f, b, e, v, n, t, s] / Kosonov 106 /

: Action Pictures

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