Data theft on Facebook punishes 500,000 books "Gardijan" writes that Facebook will have to pay 500,000 pounds or $ 663,000 because of its involvement in the scandal


British media claim that Facebook will have to pay the maximum penalty for violating users' privacy.

"Facebook has not shown any interest in protecting the information of its users, and it has not been transparent when asked how this information was used", said Elizabet Denam, the British Commissioner for Information


"Facebook has not complied with the rules imposed by the Data Protection Act: investigations and fines serve to oppose offenders, but our real purpose should be to 39, initiate greater changes, restore confidence in a democratic system, "Denamova said.

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I If this is the maximum punishment, Facebook will not slip because this company earns £ 500,000 every five minutes. Because the theft of data was done in 2014 and 2015, it does not fall under GDPR presented this year, so Facebook can not be punished by new regulations. The punishment is determined by the 1998 law, and the GDPR was implemented only in May of this year. If Facebook had committed this data theft since then, it should pay $ 1.9 million .

What do you think Facebook has "withdrawn" or even reduce a phrase going in the right direction? We are waiting for your comments below and on Facebook Twitter and Instagram Network

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