Today, Serbia is expected to experience variable, slow and unstable weather conditions, partly with rains, thunder and favorable conditions for the local appearance of the city and more rainfall, the Service announced. Hydrometeorological Republic (RHZS).
The wind is weak and moderate from south-east, the precipitation zone is sometimes strong.
Morning temperature of 15 to 20 degrees, the highest daily from 26 to 29.
The two in Belgrade are variable, feverish and unstable periods, with occasional rain, precipitation, thunder and favorable conditions for the local appearance of the city and abundant rainfall.
The wind is weak and moderate from south-east, the precipitation zone is sometimes strong.
Morning temperature around 20, maximum every day around 29 degrees.
And in the following days, it is variable, unstable and hot, partly with rain, rain and thunder. Some days there are conditions for the appearance of the city and local rainfall.
Temperature slightly above average.
At the end of the period, progressive stabilization of time with a slight increase in temperature.
Author: steed
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