Did you find Real for 272 million euros? Madrians say no – Russia 2018 – Sport


European media reported that Real Madrid was interested in Chilean PSG footballers Mbapea as someone who could replace Cristiano Ronaldo, but the Madrid club denied him.


  Photo by Matthias Hangst / Getty Images

Spanish media reported that the Real Madrid European Champions are ready to offer 272 million euros for Mbapea and bring him as a substitute for Cristiano Ronaldo who is close to Juventus.

Ronaldo, as champion Marka, agrees to join the Torinos club for a salary of 30 million euros a year, that everything is close to say that the manager Žorž Mendeš arrived in Turin for negotiations finals. .

However, the Royal Club denied while saying that no offer had been sent to Paris.

"Real Madrid has not sent any offers, neither the PSI nor the player, and regrets the dissemination of this information.Not true denies any false information published by the public, concerning the l & # 39; deal between Mbape French football and Real Madrida, " is the official announcement of Madrida.

Officially holds "Park Talk" on July 1, 2017 for £ 166 million, and is currently in Russia, in Mundijal, where the quarter-final against Uruguay is pending.

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