ĐOKOVIĆ SAYS EMOTIVE LETTER: Errors and doubts in himself at the best moment of his career! | Tennis


I imagined that someday I would win a big trophy in front of my kids and I'm happy to see him at Wimbledon, "Novak explained and told all he had done on that road

Novak Djokovic wins at Wimbledon, sent The rivals made it clear that he's back on track and that he will fight back for the summit.

Today, after all this, he decided to go through social advertising and share everything with everything that went through the previous period.

– I write this message between changing diapers and dinosaur books. I want that everyone shares the feelings that I have felt during Wimbledon.First of all, this feeling when I saw Stefan's son in Jelena's hands during the trophy was something of a misunderstanding. incredible and something that I have not felt at any of the previous competitions that I have won. nd I became a father, my biggest dream was that the kids were on the stands while I was playing and that happened a few days ago. It was unforgettable, above all, fulfilling, wonderful, but most importantly – magically. Then, when I thought it could not be better to hear "Daddy, daddy!" And then I completely melted. The emotions have flooded me, I am very grateful that I felt something like this – says Novak at first.


in the same style.

– I fought and I prayed that someday I would win a grand slam in front of my children, luckily for me Tara grows up and I can not wait to do the same thing in front of her as in front of Stefan. All my failures were more or less focused on tennis until I became a husband and a father. When I had children, my world evolved. It has not changed, it just became more beautiful. Of course, greater responsibility appeared and at the end of the day she opened a new dimension of love and energy in me, something I did not know. The greatest gift you receive from God is this increased sense of empathy, compassion and dedication to your children. But not everything is immediately clear. It takes time and learn to find "gold balance". It was in me, tennis, priorities and family. My wife helped me a lot, she supported me from the moment she gave birth to Stefan and Tara. It was a good time for me to talk to me about things that tortured me and help me find the right path and do my best at home and on the ground – describes Djokovic

Then she goes back to the past and all that she lived

– Last year, I had a very bad elbow injury and I was forced to leave the field for six months. Injuries were one, and motivation was another problem. I did not care so much about training, but I had mental disabilities that I had to undergo. One day I will share more about it. I've always respected people who share their vulnerability and what has led them to find strength and to become an inspiration to many. I've been very vulnerable several times in previous years and I'm still alone. I'm not ashamed of that. On the contrary, it makes me coherent with myself and with others. It allows me to get closer to people, to analyze what is really going on. When I understand it, then I am able to make a strategy and fight with them to become a more powerful, wiser and happier man.

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– In the last two years, I have not been patient with the expectations of tennis, I was not wise to make a strategy and I did not listen to my body. I was looking for solutions elsewhere, and they were always in me. After many changes with the training, the rackets, the members of the expert staff, I did not know if I would be able to return to the desired level of tennis. Part of me always believed in my qualities and possibilities, but there were many times when I doubted and could go in the other direction. Fortunately, I had the help of divine powers that kept me in the right direction, which is good for me. In the direction that brings peace and balance

Finally, I thank everyone.

– I am aware of the dedication and all that many have invested in recent years to bring me back to the level of tennis that brings me a Grand Slam trophy. I am grateful to all those who have respected me and who have given me love and faith and helped me to get the Wimbledon title. I am blessed that I am going through this incredible journey, supported by many people around the world. I love you, I love tennis, I love life. P. Wimbledon grass is an excellent flavor, I just want to add avocado and it will be perfect – Đoković finished with a scarf.

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