Drama on a gas pump: Lambo excited $ 300,000


Although in recent years there have been more cases of Lamborghini self-extinction, this time the fire is blamed on someone else.

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Screenshot of YouTube Screen

Lamborghini Huracan Powerful lit a gas pump in the United States while its owner was paying for fuel.

Passersby who reported that a fire suddenly appeared on the vehicle could have seemed to be a self-restriction – which would not be strange for a Lambo, because such cases have already been reported in the whole world. However, the video taken by a super sports car fan reveals the real truth.

Namely, the owner of the gas-powered mini-van near the parked Huracan forgot to take the rift out of the tank of his car when he started the pump. The crankshaft is removed from the aircraft and blown through the last part of Lamborghini, where there was already an engine that was already heated, and then a fire broke out.

Firefighters who soon arrived extinguished the fire and prevented further tragedy, but the blue Lamborghini was too late – the car burned. In the fire, thankfully, no one was injured.

(On the first pictures of Instagram, you can see the car that is already in the flames, and by clicking on the arrow on the right, you can see another sequence that shows how Lamborghini ignited ):

found on the pumps at the time of the incident, they participated in the relay "Goldrush".

This revival journey through America began in Boston on June 22 and the target was in Las Vegas last weekend.

The Huracan Performance model debuted at the Geneva Motor Show in 2017. The driving car uses a 5.2-liter V10 engine with 631 hp and a torque of 600 Nm. From standstill to hundreds, it only takes 2.9 seconds.

The price of this model in the United States is $ 274,390

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