DSS and SNS about JGSP Novi Sad


The DSS warns that the problems of the JGSP must be solved before it is too late and that this company, extremely important for the inhabitants of Novi Sad, must be protected from ruin and from the past. alienation

  jgsp, ns, bus

"Just a month ago, the Novi Sad DSS issued a public statement expressing concern about what happened at the JGSP. dismissal of management and members of the Supervisory Board, one of the Union's claims and unsatisfied employees was to increase the salaries of transport personnel.Since the law limits the possibility of increasing the wages of wages and the demands of workers are still in place, the question arises how these problems will be overcome and whether we will re-examine the scenes of strike and suspension flights in autumn.] The DSS points out that JGSP Novi Sad, a faith s for pride and praise, going through difficult days, and that various forms of service quality degradation appear "technically flawed vehicles, trained drivers wandering the lines, the passenger safety vulnerability and other participants in The saobr "

" An example, which is certainly not commendable, is the case a few days ago when the driver with an umbrella in his hand was driving a bus on line 55, and in a comment on the internet group "… the passengers around me creaked and crumpled, and the driver is the worst, wet on his back with bare skin, and a jet runs over his head …", says the DSS .

SNS: New Year's people are not threatened state in the JGSP

According to the SNS, it is true that the situation in the Public City Traffic Company is difficult, but it is known that several years ago The fleet is being renewed and the exchange will remain in line with the financial capacities of the city, so the Municipal Committee of the DSS does not criticize the safety of the citizens, "says the SNS

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" Those who dream of strikes and closures in the fall, because they would bring political points, can freely keep thinking about that. Meanwhile, the Serbian Progressive Party, together with the coalition partners, will be dealing with much more constructive issues that contribute to the improvement of our city, "said the statement," together they passed the electoral census, "he said. also encouraged the DSS to try to "touch former angry opponents" Zoran Zivkovic, Borislav Novakovic, Boris Tadic, Jeremic Vuk and others to receive them "under their curd."

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