Due to the kidnapping of children, it limits the message to WhatsApp


Violent incidents triggered by dead messages in India, the biggest accident of WhatsApp, with more than two million users, prompted authorities to try to circulate inaccessible information and provocative content on this network.

In India, this application Fejsbuk intends to test and set up a messaging limit, simultaneously to five individual or group conversations, and announces the option of fast retransmission of media (audio , video and video), 24sata.com pie.

This movement is likely to slow the mass propagation of messages. According to WhatsApp, Indians send more messages, photos and videos than any nation in the world.

"We believe that these changes, which we continue to evaluate, help WhatsApp stay what it is designed for – a private messaging app," the newspaper said on WhatsApp's blog

. In response to the appeal launched by the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, stressed the need for a partnership with the government, as well as the whole of the country, in order to stop the flow of information on this platform.

WhatsApp has published the announcement in major Indian dailies for refusing to disclose information, it is the first action of this type in the fight against cyberbullying.

Throughout this year, WhatsApp's information on child abductors has caused massive beatings of more than 10 people in India, for which some have lost their lives.

Last week, Indian police surprised 48 people claiming to be part of a group that killed a factory-made factory in southern India for suspecting that he and his friends had kidnapped children.

WhatsApp has recently added a function, thanks to which you can see if an author message or just you transmitted it.

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