DURENT HARDS SERBIAN: Jokic is a dangerous player, he has a crazy vision! | Basketball


Tanjug |

July 27, 2018 11:56 |

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He already has nearly 100 triple-dabs. Maybe the second center is in the story with the statistics I've seen. One of the world's best basketball players and star of the Golden State NBA Champion, Kevin Durent, hailed Denver's Serbian athlete Nikola Jokic for his versatility in the game. saying that he is a dangerous player [19659004] – He is a dangerous player, but he has nearly 100 triplets. Maybe the second center is in the story with the statistics I've seen. Durent pointed out that Jokic signed the maximum contract with Nagets this summer for no reason and added that he had a "crazy vision"

. Before Jokic, who had 10 triplets last season, in the strongest league in the world, there was only Ben Simons (Philadelphia) with 12, Lebron James (Cleveland) with 18 and Rasel Westbrook (Oklahoma) with 25.

The Serbian basketball player In February recorded the fastest triple dbl in NBA history in just 14 minutes on the field against Milwaukee, when the match ended with 30 points, 17 passes and 15 rebounds.

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