Ebisilio for "News": Donald told me about Zvezda, we live for Champion League | soccer



27. July 2018. 06:53 |

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These first matches showed that players have a high level of self-confidence, real self and team. I'm sure we have a chance to reach that highest goal, says Ebisilio

TEK you'll see the real Ebisil. This is, in a speech for "News", a new star red creator, which fans have accepted from the start and have eclipsed when he left the field after defeating Suduve (3: 0). In this match, the Dutchman made the first in a red and white jersey with a superb 20-meter shot, defeated team-mates, created a match … He had a rich repertoire and he is honored to see the good.

– I can make the team a lot more, I know myself. I know I'm not 100% ready, so I'll do it so you'll see better Ebisil soon. For these months and nights, as much as I am in the club, there are only a few things to do. I am delighted to have come to see you in Zvezdara. That was my choice, the step I did in my career – that is Ebisilio.

He did not want to know what coach Milojevic had told him when he had hugged her when he had changed.

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HISTORY OF HEARING DAY EBISILIO won like a kid in a big bike of life. After the death of his father in November 2005, at the age of fourteen, he had a heart attack. Then there was a built-in surgical defibrillator. – It's been a long time, and it's something I do not like to think about or talk about. My health has been excellent since then and that is what matters most to me – says Ebisilio.

– This is nothing special, but what we are talking about remains among us, leave our little secret. When I came out of the game, I was applauded and supported by the forum. It's great fun when you feel like these fans love and support. This gives you more strength to do and get more, to make them happy.

The fans impressed the most after the ideal missile. New Zvezdina "Eleven" says that it's just the beginning.

– Last season, I scored nine goals for APOEL and only one was more than sixteen meters. Strikes with these distances are my most powerful weapon, I think it will also be in Zvezda. I do not have too much practice shooting, "I look" for the matches. It's something that I have in myself, that feeling, likes to achieve goals. Of the three good shots, it usually ends with the nude, so it was in the match with Sudu. I like to achieve goals and hope to continue.

He points out that one of the main reasons to come to Red Star is a new visit to the Champions League. He hopes Zvezda will be third chance, since he has already played Elita with Ajax and APOEL.

– That's why I came here. Donald told me that Zvezda had a very good team, that he was a great club and that I quickly realized. These first matches showed that players have a high level of trust, real self and team. I am sure we have a chance to reach this highest goal. Playing in the Champions League is the most sensational feeling for football players, you live for such moments. It would be great if we managed to fall this year. Let's go step by step.

After Ajaksa, where he sank, Zvezda is the biggest club of the career of this relay of 27 years.

– I agree. I was only 19 when I first joined Ajaksa's team. I was inexperienced, quite nervous. Now I am more mature, more temperate and I think they are ahead of me the best years.

Read more: Ebisilio: I am not yet in the best shape, I hope that I will continue to achieve the objectives

Ebisilio has not arrived yet in Belgrade.

– In this period there is a very busy schedule, games are held every three days and there is not much free time. I like to relax, with my friends, I will have lunch one day. I am a video of several lazy places but Belgrade still knows. I am best friend with Ben, they are all good with me and they are great.

I'm alive, she's used to it. In the train and the house goes by taxi.

– Mother Maluška is in the Netherlands with two sisters of 10 and 15 years old. They have their responsibilities, go to school and when they can, they come to visit me.

He used to fight to life. He was early without a father when he was 14 years old.

– It was really hard, but I had to live with it. Life will not wait for you – says Ebisilio.

To find out more: Radonja, sada si igrač!

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