Electric and hybrid cars are growing more and more on the roads


Text published: 31.07.2018 12:02

Unlike Serbian drivers who hit their anti-corrosion vehicles for technical inspection, their European colleagues think the most about the amount of harmful substances their cars emit into the atmosphere!

  Electric and hybrid cars are more and more on the road

Serbia remains one of the few European countries to have no incentive or subsidy for the purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles, and the fact that only 124 electric cars and 204 cars hybrids are registered in our country should not surprise [19659005] – Grants for hybrid and electric vehicles in Europe range from four to ten thousand euros – says Dragan Škrnjić, president of the Serbia Eco Club and market analyst atomic

– It is devastating that we have no tax relief and even

SOLID OFFER In our market, the supply of electric and hybrid vehicles is solid. The leader is Toyota, which for years has sold hybrid and plagiarized vehicles. Recently, Hyundai Serbia is also a super-modern "ionic" that can be purchased in hybrid version, in plagin or pure electric version. Hybrid and electric "Kije" models are available, and "Volkswagen" also offers "golf" with a Electric motor .In the last quarter of this year, the registration of electric cars in the European Union increased in the first quarter of this year .34.3, and plagiarism in hybrids 60.2 percent (69 898 vehicles were sold at the outlet) Hybrid vehicles also recorded significant growth – 25.7 percent, with 139,556 cars sold

Up to now EU countries have invested about 50 billion euros in a program that will allow them to reduce their emissions by 20% by 2020. On the other hand, sales of LPG, CNG and biofuels increase by 12% per year. year [19659005IntroducingthelargestmarketautomobileenGermangrowthsaleofvehiclesusingalternatingpropulsionmeansforfourfourthmonthsofthecompanyfromthe744%increaseoverthesameperiodelyear3%

How many Sr. In Romania, in the first quarter of this year, 195 clean electric vehicles were purchased, in Bulgaria 48, in Hungary 311, in Slovenia 103 and several times more vehicles hybrids.

The World Health Organization estimates that "in the first quarter of this year, Serbia has about 4,500 people die each year of" bad air "and that the exhaust emissions of cars are labeled as one of the biggest causes of pollution, it seems difficult to reach consciousness ..

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