Excessive excuse, but we are living in retirement


  Trakaija Trajanja: Zasluženo isključenje, ali živimo pred vragom

Trener Trakaija Jose Antonio Ozanadena nije bi razoecaran, iako poraz od Partizana od 1: 0 I do not know what I am about to do.
"Two of the two games, first at 11 against 11, we were good at the time, although Partizan had a ball, and then we had some good odds, but after the red card, we could only defend ourselves, we will save ourselves as best as we can to get the chance to go to the next turn "

He then recalled how much the price of Partizan
It is difficult for us to play with a so good team like Partizan and when we have all the players on the field, let alone the player,

Did your player deserve another yellow card? I still have to check the picture, but it looks like that in this one you need to know how to control your emotions and we have not succeeded. " concluded

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