Exercise, it's like washing your teeth: do away with "before life interferes"


A smaller US study found that people who practice at the same time of the day devote a lot of time to exercise and are more likely to reach the levels of physical activity recommended by week.

Source: Hina, Reuters, N1

Photo: stockasso / depositphotos.com

Photo: stockasso / depositphotos.com

Of the 375 people who lost weight without taking it back in the next year, those who performed at the same time each day averaged 350 minutes of exercise per week, compared to those who performed at different times and totaled 285 minutes. minute of activity a week.

According to the study published in the journal Obesity, more than two-thirds of study participants were practicing at a certain time of day, most often in the morning.

"On average, people with a high level of physical activity had a consistent habit, which included finding the right time for day trips," said Dale Bond, a researcher at Miriam Hospital. Hospital and Brown Alpert Medical School, Providence, Rhode Island. .

Most official recommendations include at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical exercise a week for health and 250 minutes weekly for the long-term maintenance of a new weight loss, according to the authors of the 39; study.

Creating practice habits is probably the best way to implement these recommendations, they say.

"A good message to the public is that the best time to practice is when you can do it, and if you can be consistent, it's all the better," Bond said.

The researchers included researchers from the US Weightlifting Registry, who lost at least 15 kilograms and kept them long term. They answered questionnaires in 2018.

Among the issues discussed were practicing the exercises, the type of exercise, the time spent exercising and the places where they were exercising.

All respondents at least twice a week practiced in a moderate to vigorous manner.

Photo: AndrewTovstyzhenko / Depositphotos

Photo: AndrewTovstyzhenko / Depositphotos

Find the time of the day for exercise and stick to it

After dividing all respondents into four groups, depending on the day they practiced (early in the morning, later in the afternoon, afternoon, and evening), scientists discovered that those who practiced in the morning were the most consistent. Of the total number of respondents, 68% practiced regular exercises and nearly half practiced early each day.

The time spent practicing does not differ according to the time of day they practice.

The total duration of exercise was longer for those who practiced at the same time each day.

Bond seems to be exercising as a diet, like washing your teeth.

"Those who do it in the early hours of the morning have finished before" life interferes, "he adds.

"When habits are created, they facilitate consistent exercise every day, because it is not necessary to make a new decision to exercise instead of repeating what is done every day at this time "there," says Amanda Rebar of Central Queensland University in Rockhampton, Australia. which was not included in the studio.

"Find the time to practice and stick to it," says Rebar. "It will be easier with time," she said.

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