External developers are allowed to scan messages from Gmail users


  External developers would be allowed to scan Gmail messages

Since Gmail was a free service, Google had to find a way to make money on it. This is solved by serving ads to users based on what they like, and Google has provided this data in the past by analyzing email users to find out what interests them. Google has discontinued this practice in the meantime, but this is not the case with the developers.

According to the Wall Street Journal, external developers still seem to be able to scan emails from Gmail users, which was obviously allowed by Google. To aggravate the situation, this analysis is not done solely by computers, because several cases have been found that the employees of these developers have also done a scan.

Fortunately, this type of privacy violation of users is not daring. users gave permissions. According to reports, it is common practice for marketing companies to analyze the email of their users.

For those who are worried about their privacy, the solution is to access the main page of their Google Account. "Applications with Account Access" option. Here you can see all the applications that currently have access to a Google Account and can be deleted if you do not use them anymore or if you do not know if they are collecting your information.

Source: Ubergizmo

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