July 5, 2018 17:28 |
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Facebook Alerts qualified parties of the American Declaration of Independence as hate speech and suppressed copies extracted from this social network
Facebook initially automatically informed the newspaper that the publication of the controversial part violates the company's standards of hate speech, but subsequently apologized and issued the disputed section of the text of the Declaration. We removed Facebook from your message that did not violate our standards, "reports Facebook to the US newspaper. 659005] Read more – AFERA FEJSBUK: If you used these applications, your data was stolen
Publisher Liberty kaunti vindikatora Casey Stinet commented on the case saying "it could be better ( author of the Declaration) Tomas Jefferson wrote: "The Old American Believers at a Complex Cultural Development Level."
"Unfortunately, Jefferson, like most British settlers at the time, had not a very friendly attitude towards the old Americans. "Rizon Christian Bricgi said in a blog that the decision indicated a problem with the automatic detection of hate speech, because" a robot trained to detect a politically incorrect speech Is not smart enough to notice when this language is part of a historically significant document. "
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