Feast of Saints-Hearts and Damien in Kraljevo


The holy martyrs and the brothers and sisters Kozma and Damjan, with their solemn memorial, gathered the liturgical community at the temple of St. Sava in Kraljevo.

The Eucharistic contribution to the Creator was taken by Bishop Justin, bishop of the Temple Brotherhood, and belonging to the prayer of a persistent nation. The Spirit Sacrifice of the Holy Sacred has brought to light the gifts of the gifts and the shareholders in the community of the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Bishop Justin, in the Father's Sabbath instruction, addressed these words: "The Lord is asking us to be perfect, and this world is forcing us to drown." The Lord told us to take our baptism and pursue it. This is what the present Gospel tells us. Everything we have comes from God. He helps us miraculously. Many have seized the treasures of this world, but they are not happy in them. The soul seeks something more than the treasures of this world. The feeling of immortality is the presence of God in us say the saints of God.

-When the Lord feels in us, the Kingdom of God begins in us. He needs to prepare his being to meet God. We do not have to wander around the world to find God. He is always there if we seek him. The distributor is everywhere like the Emperor and the Creator of everything. We always trust such a God. When we are sick, we must not be desperate. The cleansing of sin is stronger than the disease. An example is Saint Elder Porphyrias, who asked a believer that he had cancer and was suffering, responded that it was true and that it hurt like a drool of roasted face. on his face. He did not speak of pain, but of God. Although the Lord did not cure him of illness, he gave him the wearer to carry him and wrapped him up with a crown of saints. The suffering of the Lord is the only sure way. The witnesses of God distinguish truth from lies, light from darkness. The saints of today are Kozma and Damjan. Saint Damien is the protector of the prayer of our archimandrite Damien. May the offerers of God Cosm and Damjan help us all to save ourselves in the Lord, said Bishop Justin.

Source: Diocese of the Wire

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