FIRST WATER IN NIŠKO BANJ: We are very angry, we watched the late fire for a few minutes | Serbia


J. C. |

July 27, 2018. 22:19 |

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Miodrag Savković, a terrible firefighter who attended the Partizan hotel in Niš, tonight's night, speaks of an unforgettable fireball

Miodrag Savković, eyewitness of the terrible fire 1969004] "We first heard that something went wrong around 18:30, we went out on a terrace looking at the Partizan hotel and started to burn on the right hand first, and in a few minutes the fire had engulfed him completely, my wife called the fire department, they arrived very quickly, but here after two o'clock the fire is still frozen, we are very angry neighbors also because their homes are even closer to the hotel – he said.

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