For the first time on the stock market, they are looking for money | Economy



July 26, 2018 06:54 |

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Published details of the IPO of Fintel Energy, whose capital will not be requested by bank loans. Shares priced at 500 dinars can be bought by citizens and businesses from Friday

FINTEL Energy Belgrade, the first company that decided not to borrow from banks for its activity, but to collect it without capital interest in the capital market through the initial public offering of Shares

The renewable electricity producer, through the Belgrade Stock Exchange, offered interested investors an issue of 6.5 million shares , priced at 500 RSD per piece, with the intention to raise a total of 27.5 million euros to improve business. Customers can be both our citizens and our foreign companies. – This is an extremely important day for the capital market, the economy and the citizens because, for the first time, a private company operating in Serbia raises funds for future transactions in the capital market – says the director of the Belgrade Stock Exchange, Siniša Krneta.

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– New opportunities open to businesses and potential investors who, on the basis of information publicly available in the published prospectus, will be able to make a decision d & # 39; investment. We hope that now, when a business ecosystem will be formally established and tested in Serbia, which will facilitate the collection of capital, other businessmen and market players will recognize the possibilities financing of the company by the national stock exchange

. On October 29, in the investment company "MV investment" or some branches of Komercijalna banka in 18 cities of Serbia, which are listed in the prospectus. After that, the inclusion of these shares should be traded on the so-called good listing of the Belgrade Stock Exchange and the first trading of shares in November

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initial public offering to the Belgrade Stock Exchange after 78 years. Executive Director of Giovanni Ticiano pointed out that the purchase of shares of this company has the opportunity to include professional investors, families and private investors:

– We offer shares and the opportunity to invest in our company. The individual action will cost 500 dinars and our model must include as many people as possible. We will not sell the share, but we will raise capital from potential investors, in order to invest more in Serbia. We expect the value of the raised capital to be 27 million euros, which we will invest in our projects in Serbia.

Up to now, this company has invested 150 million euros in wind farms in Serbia.


FINTEL Energija has been operating in the Balkans for 15 years. According to the company, the first two wind farms in Serbia, in Kula and near Vrsac, were built and put into operation, and the construction of the third largest wind farm started. Fintel Energija owns 100% of the Italian company Fintel energija grup SpA

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