Former Wimbledon champion: The next five Slags of Gren in the hands of Djokovic


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Former Dutch tennis player Richard Nudzic think Novak Djokovic will win the next five Grand Slam trophies while Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer wait for "Post", reports the British "Express".

Novak Djokovic has surprised many of them to win Wimbledon this year. Although he suffered from an elbow injury last year, the Serb has managed to triumph at one of the biggest tennis tournaments in Kevin Anderson's final 3-0. , while in the semifinal, Rafael Nadal fell

This return of Novak Djokovic has led former Wimbledon rider Richard Krajichek to talk about the near future in the world of tennis

In my opinion, Djokovic can win the next five Grand Slam tournaments! He only missed the match to reach the correct form. As far as I am concerned, he is the first favorite, if it does not hurt, for the trophy on Ju Es openo – says Krajicek.

The former Dutch tennis player thinks that Novak is still missing some matches to reach his best form. on the old level

Just get a few heavier games and it will still be unbeatable. I am confident that he can reach the 20 Grand Slams of Federer! We recall all the periods when Nadal could do nothing to Novak on the ground, so that in the future he would depend on Djokovic only to avoid injury – considers Krajicek

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