Four companies interested in RTB Bor


Aleksandar Antic stated in a Dnevnik RTS that RTB Bor is a strategically important company with an impact on our economy.

"It is significant that RTB Bor continues to grow and is stable and therefore we insist on an investment of 350 million US dollars and we are waiting for a solid investment plan and much more. investments from our strategic partner.We insist on a solid investment cycle in mining with the idea that RTB will fill the smelter with its own minerals. ", says Antić

He adds that the obligation of the future strategic partner is that in the period when the privatization cycle is controlled, it preserves the existing number of jobs. "19659002" We expect that an additional number of workers will be required at the end of this cycle. We ask the strategic partner how much a percentage of the property is needed for 350 million dollars, "said Minister Antić.

Says that the company will not be able to pay its debts.

" We are expect that they are actively participating in the bidding, which is a serious international bidding call: the first day, and the advertisement was published yesterday, four companies have been announced to purchase the documentation. Until August 20, and having selected the most favorable bidder, we will close the contract by the end of the year, when we will pay $ 100 million as a condition, "said Antic .

He recalls that Petrohemija and MSK were kidnapped the previous government made a huge effort to preserve these companions. [19659002] "Petrochemistry works well, MSK also works regularly, unfortunately, Azotara has continued to generate losses in recent months and bankruptcy is the only possible solution," says the minister.

Adds with great care to the workers and to the whole Azotari situation.

"We talk to the workers and try to find the best solutions: bankruptcy as such, a good social program for employees, a fast and efficient bankruptcy procedure and to offer Azotar the bankruptcy for the sale, "said Antić.

With the support of the World Bank, the Ministry is working to eliminate irregularities in local communities that send free kilowatts to the most vulnerable lists, and Minister Antić says the new regulation is in progress and that it should be applied from 1 September. 19659012] [ad_2]
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