
The twelfth science festival, the largest scientific festival in southeastern Europe, held this year under the slogan "The Country of the Future" started today at the Belgrade Fair and will continue until December 2. This year's festival will give science enthusiasts four days of the region's greatest scientific entertainment, and more than 600 science communicators from across Serbia and around the world will visit.

Through exciting scientific experiments, visitors will be able to spend every day from 10 am to 7 pm, where they will be offered answers to questions on different questions, whether cities and cars in flight are really waiting for us in the near future, and how robots could replace people. and what medicine will bring in the decades to come.

The science evening in "The Country of the Future" begins in Hall 3 of the Belgrade Fair. At the entrance of this hall, our NIS company, which is its sixth year in a row, is the general sponsor of the Festival of Science. "The Key to the Future" is the name of an educational and interactive setting that NIS presents at this year's Science Festival, which is developing this year's theme of artificial intelligence. Through this framework, visitors have the opportunity to become acquainted with the high technology that allows us to acquire new knowledge, to know the artificial intelligence, to discover how it is already used, to discover what are the supercomputers and to see how virtual reality is used search.

In Hall 3, visitors will also be able to launch a plane with little solar help, explore the exploration of space, understand the importance of recycling in protecting the environment and discover how to get clean water if all the matrices are dried. With the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC setting, the reader discovers the big problem of plastic contamination, while 3D panels and 3D pens can be tested on the Meaker stand.
Hall 3A is home to experienced engineers, an area where young scientists present their skills and latest scientific achievements. In this area, the "Sveti Sava" high school in Požega presents the fire brigade of the future with a robotic fire extinguishing system. The primary school "Sava Kerković" of LJiga is the Tesla transformer and Tesla ball, as well as a solar panel in cans. gym of various thermodynamic experiments.

This year's science and fantasy scene is in Hall 5, where explosive, interactive and entertaining science programs are being conducted by scientists from Europe and the United States. In Hall 5, Greg Gage, a renowned American neuroscientist, will also be introduced to bring together the neuroscience of the most diverse age of curious people and, through experiments, to reveal some of the most complex brain functions.



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