Goblins: The best thing to do is to play well as a European player


After winning the European match with the 3: 0 Trio, Red Star players return to their home shootings.

Source: B92, called cheese

  Photo: Starsport

Photo: Starsport

Izabranike Vladan Milosevic is waiting for Sunday 19 without any Radnikim of Nia.

"We know we are expecting from me this radical league player team this year, enough to talk about their quality.I looked at their first and I really liked the style of the They are led by the excellent coach Nenad Lalat and we know it will not be easy for us.We have a good time to get ready to gain three points. " a declared Gobelji.

Gust's early season schedule is not a problem for Zvezdin footballers.

"We still believe in ourselves, and we surely already have an advantage to achieve this victory in the previous European match.Certainly, the confidence in the team has increased and now it's a good thing. It's up to us to repeat as well, we have to play the best matches as well as the European ones … Fashion is a dense program, but we have enough time to rest and prepare ourselves with Radnik. "

Gunners say new players have been deported to the team.

"The new footballers have split, in all positions we have more players who can play as well." For those who choose to be in the starting frame can not be wrong, we give all our maximum at all times " concluded Gobelji.

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