Goca leaned over Raša's shoulder: WAUGH AS MY OSLONAC!


Goca Tržan is one of the most popular singers of the Serbian public scene, who can boast of having a perfect marriage with her husband Radomirom of Raš Novaković 14 years old. it's that girls have a marriage behind them. She went on a new road, fell in love and got married with Raša. Goca does not hide to have a perfect relationship with her husband, which she is very happy to talk to, and that's another proof.

Namely, the singer posted a photo on her Instagram profile with her picker, and in the description she wrote "Zauvek si moj support." With her back on the shoulder, Goca shows how good he is

This photo was delighted by his fans, followed by a commentary on the story of their love, which Gabor Sigruno delighted in. To remind him, she has the daughter of Lena from her first marriage, and she would like to extend her family with her current husband and become a mother again.

Story.rs pink.rs They Images / Antonio Ahel Instagram, Petar Đorđević

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