Goodbye! Expansion of the dollar to the Russian dwarf


Russia continues to release US debt.

Source: B92

<img src = "" width = "640" height = "453" hspace = "0" vspace = " 0 "border =" 1 "align =" left "alt =" (Photo: Thinkstock)

(Credit: Thinkstock)

The latest US Treasury figures show that Russia's share has reached the minimum from eleven years and raises only $ 14.9 billion

The US debt in the Russian portfolio has dropped significantly in recent months.

It has fallen to 22nd place among the largest foreign holders of US securities worth $ 48.7 billion.In 2010, Russia was among the top ten US holders of $ 176.3 billion.

On Tuesday, Trezor published a list of 33 countries including China and Iraq.Russia is not on the list.

Deferred sale of US debt started in 2011 It's intensified in recent years amidst many rounds of sanctions that the White House has imposed on Russia.

Efica Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullin previously said that the reduction of property is the result of a systematic assessment of all kinds of risks, including financial, economic and geopolitical.

Meanwhile, Russian gold reserves have steadily risen, reaching their highest level in the last two decades

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