
Hari Kejn scored six goals in the first three games of the world championships, and before he walked with the foot only Šandoru Kočišu (Hungary, 9 goals), Gerdu Miler (Germany, 7) and Giljermu Stable (Argentina, 7). The attacker Totenhema is the first candidate that Mundijal in Russia ends up as a goldfish …
And against Colombia, he did his job tonight. He was hijacked with the crime, gave it, and then once again managed the point in the criminal series.
"We did not have the chance to go to the quarter-finals for 90 minutes, but we did not hesitate, we straightened when it was the most needed It's a great evening for England, we had to penalize who we were and we did it in the end.The most important thing is that we spent, " said after the match.
There was little tragedy in Henderson . First Mina dropped to the throat of equalization and then missed the penalty in the criminal series.
"We checked the game and then they equaled the break that made us very disappointed, yet we managed to come back and go to penalties, we have been penalizing for some time now and the coach gave us five. Unfortunately, I did not hit, but Pikfrod and Dajer became heroes " said Captain Liverpool
The decisive criminal was struck Erik Dajer …
"I was nervous because I have never been in such a situation before.But I felt that I had to guess because of a shaken head missed in the extensions. After this afternoon at the end of time, we remained calm, we did not panic and knew what to do. "
(FOTO: Ation images)
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