Hazardous Insecticides for Bees – JMU Radio and Television Vojvodina


Blavsha added that neonikotinoids in bees cause irritability in small amounts, and that higher amounts are lethal


"If the doses of smaller bees bring them to a hive, transfer them to the litter, and warn farmers to consider the area where the insecticides are spraying, the time they have been watering, and the neighborhoods of the communities.

Radomir Vlaco, president of the Union of Apicultural Organizations of Vojvodina He said that the poisoning of the bee comes mainly in time

"At the moment the poison of bees arrive, beekeepers should receive a written document to inform the veterinary and phytosanitary inspection, as well as the police and the alliance of beekeeping organizations, "said Vlaco, who was poisoned, needs to collect autan "No material evidence as possible to determine if there is a poison in the treated parcel and determine what poison it is," said Vlaco.

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