Turin / Zurich – The world was shocked on Wednesday by the death of the rescuer of the Italian Fiat Sergio Markione, who brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy on the New York Stock Exchange.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Gettyimages
Blumerg recalls that Markione Fijat, on the verge of bankruptcy, managed to bring him to the New York Stock Exchange where a bell rang on October 13, 2014 the first stock of the company Fijat Krajsler cars NV, based in London .
Markioneu, after joining Fiat's first place, was ceded to the company that lost more than six billion euros in 2003. Ten years ago, however, he regained the profit margins in 2005, Motors "gets $ 2 billion in the name of the breakup of the alliance, laying off thousands of workers, introducing new models, and reducing the time for new models to come out on the market for only 18 months of the previous four years.
It has managed to increase the value of Fiat more than ten times through the restructuring of the automobile and the separation of assets.The biggest separation of this type took place in 2015 when Ferrari successfully launched shares on the Milan Stock Exchange
It played a major role in the arrival or return of the giant from Turin to Kragujevac Fiat Fiat Serbia was founded in 2008 in partnership with the government Serbian and, in the spring of 2012, Markione personally attended the start of the Ssumadija plant. mass production of the "Fiat 500L" model.
Markione was a man who saved two legendary autoproducers from Turin and Detroit from the brink of bankruptcy. He calls the Turin sheet a global manager who has taken Fiat in the future and points out that it is precisely the word "global" that best defines what Marjone was doing.
Markione at Elcan and new executive director Michael Menley leave the FCA group debt free, with the 4 billion euros expected at the end of the year, as well as a development plan released in June last, which provides 45 billion euros in investments by 2022 and 25 new car models.
When, almost 5,500 days ago, the relatively unknown Canadian-Italian manager took the helm of the Fiat, the situation was simply not rosy. One of the first presentations of what he plans to do with a giant from Turin in 2004, he made it to analysts using the musical background of the song Bobby McPherson, an African-American jazz musician whose songs have residues.
Jazz, like cooking and quality wines, belonged to Markione's passion. It included fast cars, mainly the Ferrari brand, but despite the money managed by the Fiat first, then the FCA, it did not flirt with exorbitant luxury, so it was noted that He never owned a yacht.
However, the greatest passion seemed to be managerial success, and he made the biggest effort in January 2009 when he signed the first contract to take back 35% of Crassler's property, not even spending the money on it. euro Turkish office. After the outbreak of the global financial crisis about six months earlier, the administration of former US President Barack Obama desperately sought to rescue a major US auto brand that has literally disintegrated . The rescuer was found by Obama at Markione.
Sergio Marconi was born in 1952 in Cetinje, Italy, in the Italian region of Abruzzo. In 14 years, he emigrated to Canada with his father, Koncecia, rifle and mother Maria. After difficult years of adapting to a foreign language and environment, he was able to graduate in three fields, first in philosophy, then law, and then economics.
He made his first major managerial successes in Switzerland, where his talent for treating companies that appeared in crisis was noticed by Umberto Anjeli, the younger brother of Fiat's founder, who recommended him to the governorate from Turin.
FCA Saturday, following meetings of the steering committees of this group, as well as Ferrari and CNH Indistrial, announced that Marjone's health condition after unexpected complications during shoulder surgery in Switzerland, it is considerably aggravated. return to work. "
In the FCA, he was replaced by Mike Menley, who was responsible for the Jeep, and the CEO of" Fiat "became Luis Camilleri, and Suzanne Heydud headed" CNH Indistrial "instead of Marjone [19659020] (function {) {var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _ fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds .async = true; fbds.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq. loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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