He was head of the FCA for the deterioration of the health of Marjone Auto


Tanjug |

July 22, 2018 12h30 |

The state of health of Sergio Marconione, the long-time head of Fiat Automobile Chrysler (FCA), has worsened and he has been replaced by Mike Menley

The state of health of Sergio Marcione, head of long-time "Fiat Crascler Car" (FCA), worsened and replaced by Mike Menley, who was in charge of "Jeep", the FCA said in a statement from the FCA

. "With regard to the health of Sergio Marconi, FCA announces a deep The death penalty this week has seen unexpected complications in the recovery of Mr. Markione from the operation, and they have worsened considerably in recent hours, "the statement said.

As the announcement announces, "Marjone will not be able to return to work"

It is said that Menley has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the FCA and that this Briton will continue to implement the strategy that Marjone did last month.

Menley was responsible for the Jeep brand at FCA and, since last September, he was a member of the group's management group.

The decision to remove Marcone was taken by members of FCA, Ferrari and CNH Indistrial.

"Stampa" claims that Marjone, 66, who joined Fiat in 2004, is expected to leave the group next April after the shareholder meeting confirming the financial report for 2018.

At the same time, the car manufacturer Ferrari luxury sports said that instead of Marjone, he appointed a new board member, Louis Camerilly, as the company's new executive director.

AP states that the three councils called separate meetings in Turin because of Marjone's extended period of physical rehabilitation

The Serial Serial Sera "had previously reported that Marconi had been operated in Switzerland three weeks ago , and the media reported that its recovery had lasted longer than expected. [19659004] "CNH Indastrial" produces agricultural equipment, trucks, buses and other vehicles.

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