How many fruits are enough? | Health


Natural Sugar is the Top Concern with Regard to Excessive Fruit Intake

WHAT'S MORE Fruit and Vegetables is the Basic Recommendation of D & # 039; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; # 39; a food specialist, but how many fruits should we really eat? Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Company, was well known for his fruit-based diet, believing that he was cleaning his body against harmful toxins. Actress Ashton Kucher, who accepted Jobs's fruit-based diet, eventually ended up at the hospital for pancreas problems. This raises doubts as to whether it is really good to eat a lot of fruit.

– Natural sugar is the main source of concern regarding the excessive intake of fruit. Although fruits usually contain a lot of sugar, research continually connects the consumption of whole fruits to a reduced risk of developing obesity and other metabolic diseases – said Dr. Robert Lustig, author of the book on Fat Chance nutrition

. the risk of a higher sugar intake, says "Times". As Dr. Lustig explains, it contains soluble and insoluble fiber. Together, these two types of fibers form a kind of network inside the duodenum in the small intestine. The "grid" prevents a significant portion of the fruit sugar from being absorbed earlier during the digestion process.

– Like the tsunami that stopped the tsunami, this barrier limits the absorption of sugar not to weigh down the liver – explains Dr. Lustig

By controlling the absorption of fruit sugar, a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber from the whole fruit also stimulates digestion.

– Your gut signals your brain that you are sitting when your food is filled with your third part of the small intestine – the ileum. Then the fibers help the food molecules to fill the ileum faster, which makes you feel faster compared to eating fiber-free foods, "said Dr. Lustig,

. of fresh fruit can cause diarrhea

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