Huawei wants to be the first to release a flexible phone


  Huawei wants to be the first to release a flexible phone

For a long time, he has been reviewing information on the flexible / collapsible phone from Samsung. It is expected that the South Korean company will terminate their device early next year. However, Huawei is anxious to become the first manufacturer to put a phone or a flexible device that can bend in the true sense of the word (not like the ZTE Axon M model)

Nikkei reports, citing industry sources familiar with the story, Huawei plans to release the first flexible phone with flexible screen before Samsunga

The report adds that the flexible phone will have a flexible OLED display that will produce Chinese BOE. The first phone call will be small and it would take up to 20,000 to 30,000, which will be available to a smaller group of early adopters of new technology.

It is unclear when Huawei will properly disclose its flexible phone and how much it will cost. 19659003] Source: Ubergizmo

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