I have life on Mars: The saltwater lake found beneath the surface of the planet? (PHOTO) | Interesting


Tanjug |

July 25, 2018 18:28 |

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The saltwater lake was discovered under the southern polar cap of Mars, according to the Italian Space Agency

The saltwater lake would be discovered under the surface of Mars.

In a study published today in the magazine "Sajans", it does not specify whether there is an underground pool, a tank or mud , AP reports

"If these researchers are right, it is the first We found evidence of a great water plan on Mars," said Casey Sturman, geophysicist at the # 39, University of Texas.

The open lake is located under the southern polar ice cap of Mars at a depth of 1.5 km. 19659005] READ OUT – NASA has detected on Mars organic molecules (VIDEO)

It was impossible to determine the depth of the "anger" of the ra radar instrument, "but the # 39 research team assumes that it is at least one meter

The lake, similar to the subglacial lakes that we can find on Earth, under the Antarctic ice, has was discovered by Italian scientists., said Professor Roberto Orosei of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics, who led the study.

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